Program Enrichment Grants
The Pittsford District PTSA maintains an on-going fund for Program Enrichment Grants. School faculty, staff, school organizations, and parents are encouraged to apply for funds for a specific project or program.
Important Information
Grant requests are reviewed by the Grants Committee once per month. Approved grants will be awarded immediately after the committee review meeting. Any PTSA Grants Committee member with specific ties to a grant request will be asked to excuse him/herself from the voting.
PTSA is prohibited by law from paying for training or travel expenses.
PTSA Grant recipients may not reapply for same program for three years.
Total amount requested for an individual grant should NOT exceed $2000.
2023-2024 District PTSA Grants Committee:
Kseniya "Kassie" Popov-Huang- Grants Committee Chairperson
Kristen Hans - District PTSA President
Megan Williams - District PTSA President-elect
Xueya Cai - VP Resource & Development
April Du - District PTSA Treasurer
Grant Guidelines
Grants funds are intended for:
Startup programs
Support when other funding is unavailable
Items not part of the regular educational program of the School District
Programs that support the School District and District PTSA mission
Programs and events that are not supported through other means
Programs that directly affect a large percent of the student body
Clubs and programs sponsored through the school (ASE)
Teacher programs or supplies
Speakers presenting at the district level
Grant funds are not intended for:
The sole means of program support
Use by any non-profit organization
Use by a booster club
Assemblies/speakers in individual schools
Travel costs
Routine expenses and equipment;
Use by same program in less than 3 years