PTSA Membership
When you become a Pittsford PTSA member, you are joining hundreds of families in the district that support the wonderful programs sponsored by PTSA.
Volunteering isn't a requirement of membership, but if you have an interest in volunteering, be sure to check out opportunities on the volunteer page.
Complete the membership form online OR use a paper form. Online submission by secured credit card payment is the preferred method.
The paper form can found in the district calendar, or download it from the bottom of this page. Mail it to the address on the form or send in to your child's school.
How do I join?
Option 1 (preferred): Click on the links to the right to register and pay online
Option 2: Print and mail the form at the bottom of this page (address on form)
Faculty/Staff Membership Fee
Faculty/Staff Memberships are $8 and available to any employee within the PCSD or to Pittsford Community Members. $4 of this membership goes to NYS PTA and the remaining $4 supports Pittsford students directly.
Faculty/Staff who work at PCSD AND have children in the District can select either one of these memberships
What are the benefits to me?
Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
Discover Great Resources. Enjoy a variety of programs for parents and students.
Tap into a Network. Meet fellow parents and teachers and build a rapport with them. Discuss ideas, concerns, experiences, and important issues at PTSA functions.
Watch Yourself Grow. Gain valuable experiences. Put your skills and hobbies to good use for a good cause—your child and all children in the community will benefit.
Speak Up. PTSA is a forum for exchanging ideas and members are encouraged to make suggestions. PTSA is a great wayto effect change in your child’s school.
Witness Improvement. Be part of the solution and help make positive changes. PTSA plays an important role in discussing building improvements, supplementing curriculum-based programs, and sponsoring events—all vital to a school’s success.
Be a Role Model. Demonstrate the importance you place on education and being an active part of the community to your child.
Pittsford PTSA can do nothing without your membership. JOIN TODAY!
ONE membership EACH SCHOOL YEAR is all a family has to do. It covers membership for all children at all schools (you can join anytime during the year).
Why join the Pittsford PTSA?
You have many reasons to join the Pittsford PTSA. But the most important ones are your children. Your membership funds:
Pittsford PTSA website
Parent Education Opportunities
Student Directories
School Newsletters
Art Ambassadors
Science Action
Visiting Author program
Cultural Arts Programs
Enrichment Grants to Teachers & Parents
After School Enrichment Programs
Book Fairs
Community Service Organizations
Junior Literary Club
Parents as Reading Partners
Red Ribbon Week
Welcome Back Picnics
Ice Cream Socials
Safe Senior Celebrations
Court Yard Beautification
Honor Graduate Awards
Student Awards
Middle School Fun Nights
Teacher Appreciation Events
And many more!
Student Membership Fee
Student Only Memberships are $8 and available to any PCSD student who plans to join separately from an adult or family membership. $4 of this membership goes to NYS PTA and the remaining $4 supports Pittsford students directly.
Single membership is $17 and includes one voting adult and students of that family attending schools in the district. Families can add an additional voting adult for $10 extra. $4 of the membership goes to NYS & National PTA to fund programs throughout NYS & nationwide. The remaining funds support the Pittsford PTSA programing. Additional membership options are listed on our Givebacks store.