Welcome to Pittsford Central PTSA
Don't forget to join PTSA today!
The Pittsford Central PTSA would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as leaders of our Pittsford Central PTSA. We are committed to the PTSA Mission and Vision: Every Child, Once Voice. We will strive to be a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
Pittsford Central PTSA is pleased to continue to offer a variety of fun and engaging activities across all our schools like, visiting authors, elementary after school enrichment programs, cultural arts programing, field trips, fun nights, spirit wear, book fairs, enrichment grants, honor graduate awards and senior events. We also sponsor and provide a variety of educational programs for parents and families as well as social events, such as school-wide picnics, in order to foster connections and build our school-community.
As a volunteer organization, we appreciate your time and interest in making sure each one of our programs and events are a success. There are many opportunities to help and to meet others; from attending monthly meetings, to planning or volunteering at an event, to volunteering for a leadership role. We welcome all families to participate in a way that best meets their interests and availability.
Thank you for your continued support of Pittsford Central PTSA. We look forward to a successful school year!
Kristen Hans & Megan Williams
PTSA President and President-elect